
University of Western Ontario 2024-2025

  • CS 3530E (Greek Art and Archaeology)

    Full-year course

    A survey of the art and archaeology of ancient Greece from the Neolithic through the Hellenistic period, focusing on the archaeology, architecture, sculpture, and pottery from the Archaic to Hellenistic periods (c. 750 - 30 BCE), and the meaning and function of material culture in ancient Greek society.

  • CS 3210F (Ancient Greek Religion)

    Fall Term

    This course introduces students to the ritual-based polytheistic religion of the Ancient Greeks. We will explore the interaction of textual evidence and material culture through a focus on the representation of ritual practice in order to better understand how those practices operate within the larger structures of Greek society.

  • CS 9552B (Graduate Seminar)

    Greek Sanctuaries and Social Memory

    This course will look at the development of Greek sanctuaries from the Early Iron Age to the Roman Imperial Period, primarily from an archaeological lens but also examining the literary and epigraphic evidence. We will investigate the sanctuaries’ roles in the construction of social or collective memory--how they serve as strategic tools through which the peoples that made use of them crafted memories and counter-memories through anachronism and reinvention, to create collective identities, to justify political dominance, or to respond to subjugation.

  • CS 3010F/G (Study Tour to Greece)

    A 14-day guided trip throughout mainland Greece to study ancient and modern Greek archaeology, history, and culture! This course is open to students in all years who have taken at least one Classical Studies course. Methods of evaluation include a research paper and presentation at an archaeological site, museum assignments, reflective journaling and multi-media travel blog contribution